Thursday, 7 April 2011

The Room- How to hold your own "The Room" party.

You may be aware of the fun and games that you can have in the cinema while watching The Room. Here is a great guide for those lucky enough to be able to see it in in all its glory If you are in London head to The Prince Charles Cinema in Leicester Square, it shows regularly there.

But if you are unable to see it on the big screen why not hold a viewing in your own Room? I am actually planning such an event currently, so here is my plan for my ultimate Room Party!

1. Get the DVD: Well an obvious one to start with but you can’t waltz into HMV and buy it here in the UK. You need to get it shipped from or The Room store off the official website. Also not you need a Multi region DVD player (I use my Xbox 360 which plays it fine) or borrow something off a friend to play it on.

If you are from America ignore the previous instructions for you are the chosen ones.

2. Decorate your Room: Add classy effects like Pictures of spoons in small photo frames. Oh and don’t forget to get lots of candles (unlit) and Red Roses.

3. Get guest to dress up: There are more characters than you may think in the room so finding a costume for everyone should be easy, here’s my brief list...

-                    Main characters:  Johnny, Lisa, Mark, Denny, Claudette
-                    Secondary characters: Mike, Michelle, Peter,
-                    Others: Chris-R (Drug dealer), The Flower shop woman, Stephen (Peter’s replacement who we are never introduced to)

The person Playing Johnny should be the host and address everyone who arrives with the greeting “Oh Hai (name)”. The person playing Mark should constantly tell the person playing Johnny that he is Best friend. If someone is portraying Stephen (the guy who replaces Peter) should be continually greeted with “who the f*** are you?” The person playing Mark should have a beard. Prior to the tuxedo scene they must go to the bathroom remove and shave it off.

4. Drinks and Food: Red Wine should be served in Champagne Flutes. The only other drink available is “Scotchka”, made from 50% Scotch and 50% Vodka, as drunk by Johnny and Lisa in the film. If the thought of that is making your stomach churn then why not get an empty bottle of Scotch and fill it with Apple juice (You many need to add less vodka when mix unless you want to end up hunched over the toilet). 

Food should be Pizza Half Canadian Bacon and Pineapple, half Artichoke and Pesto (Light on the Cheese) as ordered by Lisa in the film. Crisps will be allowed along with Cake and Cheesecake. The person Playing Denny should dramatically eat an apple at the same time as Denny.

5. Drinking games: Simply choose one of the below rules to follow and have a shot (preferably of Scotchka) whenever they occur

-                    A spoon is spotted

-                    Someone states that Johnny is Mark’s best friend
-                    Denny Appears / goes away
-                    Johnny says “Oh Hai”
-                    There is a shot of San Francisco

-                    ALL OF THE ABOVE (this may lead to hospitalisation)

6. Smash the entire place up: …at the same time as Johnny. Have a spare TV on hand to throw out your window.

 Well that’s it, have fun and let me know how you get on. 

Disclaimer: The Bad Film Blog does not take responsibly for any damage caused by smashing up your Room, Possible alcohol poisoning, vomit stains and blindness caused by thrown spoons gouging people’s eyes out. Play safe.

1 comment:

  1. Just put THE ROOM on the NetFlix queue. There may be a THE ROOM party in the small confines of Thimble Theater in Utter Despair NJ soon. Going out to buy extra spoons for future throwing. Should they be cereal/coffee spoons or can a soup spoon be used, as well?
